Classic “Too pregnant” accident:

Courtney • First child beautiful son born 5/6/2015. Second son born 9/8/2016. Third son born 3/9/2018. Baby #4 heaven baby Sept 2018. Rainbow Twins due thanksgiving 2019!

Let me start of by saying this is my 5th pregnancy; first twin pregnancy to carry out of first trimester.

I am currently 23 weeks with boy/girl twins and look every bit of 30+ weeks. My youngest is 16 months old and last night my husband was getting him ready for bed. I hear my husband call out “honey I need help!”

I run (waddle very fast) to the baby’s room and apparently the baby had a classic diarrhea poop and hubs needed hands to keep the baby from playing/grabbing at it. I’m dying laughing and next thing I hear is my hubs screaming “omg! It’s on his face!” I look at my son’s face and sure enough right in he middle of his forehead is a big clump of poop...

Here’s the classic pregnancy moment: I starting laughing harder and had to cross my legs bc I was about to pee myself. Then my hubs screams out again “omg Courtney its on his hands!” I lost it. I peed my pants. Not a trickle or a little... like full blown puddle on the floor. Yeah... twin pregnancy is so glamorous.