How long do I wait?

Okay, so I’m talking to this guy and we click SO well. I swear to God that the second time I hung out with him, I made up my mind that I want him to be my husband, lol. Sounds crazy but we just have a really good chemistry. ANYWAYS. We both have kids. We’ve been talking since the first week of June. We’ve slept together a few times and we’ve both met each other’s kids; just not friends or family yet. How long should I wait for him to officially ask me to be his girlfriend? It’s only been a month and a half, and he knows that it’s something I want eventually. I told him I only want something serious. He agrees. But he still hasn’t asked me officially to be his girlfriend. He publicly will like and comment on my social media posts and photos, his friends know about me, his daughter has met me, like there’s no signs that he’s “playing” me but I’m confused why he hasn’t asked yet or maybe it’s too soon? FYI he does have a history of emotionally and physically abusive relationship. His baby’s mom lives in a diff state and has no custody because she broke his nose and would always hit him.