When you loose feelings for your spouse do they come back ?

I will try to make this as short as possible. I met my now husband at 19, we got married at 21 when I was pregnant with our 1st child. We're now 26 with 2 kids. It's been about over a good 8 months or so maybe longer I'm not really sure but I just find myself feeling very unhappy, my sex drive is completely gone, I don't feel like I have love for him at all.

I see him only as a friend if that. My aunt says it's just a stage while my mom tells me to not separate my family but I can't help but to feel so unhappy. I feel trapped in this relationship. He's never laid a hand on me, he's never yelled at me or cussed at me, never disrespected me, he always compliments me.

His problem is he's lazy. He doesn't work, he plays video games all day. He doesn't help me take care of his kids. He messed up his credit and convinced me to take things out with credit saying he will pay back but never did now I have messed up credit.

We recently got kicked out from where we were staying and now we're at his parents house. Its been 2 weeks and I can't help but to despise him. He's always hanging out with his 9 & 13 year old brother, & his cousin who's 12. He asks me why I "isolate myself" but never invites me to hang out. The times he has his brothers and cousin always tagg along. When he has to go out somewhere he always takes them instead of me and our kids. Last time my mom gave us both money he asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him and next thing you know I come to find out he invited his brothers and cousin to come so I opted to stay home. I haven't been to the movies or on a date night in almost 3 years. His family recently got a new dog and he pays more attention to it than he does to his own kids, taking it on walks 3 times a day and taking it to the park when he won't even drive my kids and I to the park. I don't think I'm being selfish, I understand that they're his brothers and he needs to spend time with them but I also find it to be very unfair that my kids and I are being neglected. I've always been a stay at home mom since my 1st child was born but I make a little extra money by selling their clothes/shoes they've outgrown. I don't see how someone wouldn't like to better themselves for their kids. I'm going to apply for jobs soon . It's honestly the worst feeling when your kids ask for things and you can't get it for them not even a single icecream. Have any of you gone through this ? I honestly don't want to stay with him , so the whole working things out I don't think will help.

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