I tried I tried😔😒

Kylia • 21👩🏽 Girl mom👧🏽 Engaged💍 Christian✝️ TTC✨

This morning I was talking to my boyfriend about our baby shower that his sisters are throwing us and I barely told him what I don’t like and what I like that they are doing. After I told him what I don’t like about it he got pissed and started cussing. I told him I don’t like how his sisters are picking out the baby stroller, and how they are only inviting the people they want. I tried bugging him and bugging him let’s make a list of who we want to invite and give it to his sisters, but he didn’t listen and didn’t want to. His sisters picked out the theme, who’s invited, and who are bringing what. I tried telling his sisters I want to invite so and so but they say stuff to me. I tried telling my boyfriend if he was gonna say anything back but he jumped to his sisters side and was scared to say something back to them. I’m moving out of his parents house because of that and some other reasons am I being to dramatic?? All I want is our baby stroller the one we liked and picked out, also the baby shower how we want it.😔😔😔😞