Mean people

Why do people, work colleagues, strangers etc feel the need to touch my little bump without warning and tell me what i should and shouldnt be doing?! Im sick to death of being told I am drinking too much water and will harm my baby, that not drinking a mug of tea will harm my baby, to have a can of coke for the baby (WTF!), doing pilates will make me miscary, exercising is not good for baby etc etc and lecturing me on why my partner of 11 years and I havent married. Yesterday 3 complete strangers told me i was huge and asked if i was sure it wasnt twins. I've reached the point where i cry at the thought of leaving the house because i cant take it anymore. I'm hating being pregnant because of this. My man is amazing and so supportive, kind and just amazing. When he hears it he doesnt hold back! Has anyone else experienced this? How did you cope/handle the situations? I dont want to be confrontational and stress or get upset for the sake of the baby x