It’s not your party!!!!


So it’s my daughters first birthday next Saturday and I am First time mom, so i have been planning her first birthday since she was still in he womb. Well my MIL has been bitching about inviting our neighbors to my daughters birthday party and I said no because I don’t want random people at the party. Me and my neighbors aren’t close so why should I. My MIL use to live with us and she talked a few times with the neighbors so she wants them there. I have told her no so many times that today she told on me to my own mom and she painted me to be a cold hearted bitch that isn’t nice to neighbors. I am nice to neighbors I greet them when I see them and even make small talk but it’s not like I have friendship with them to invite them to my daughters first birthday. My mom told me to stop being mean to invite them but i’m not budging my MIL won’t get her way. She has already invited some of her coworkers and friends so it’s not like I’m not allowing her invite anyone but i draw the line with the neighbors she’s only talked to a few times.