Armour thyroid - pregnancy and fatigue


Looking for input from anyone that’s taken armour while pregnant!

History - I was diagnosed with hashimotos at 25. I got put on armour thyroid after synthroid didnt help at all. Armour helped me TONS because my body struggles to convert t4 into t3.

Nearly 3 years ago, I started a gluten free diet after finding out I was a celiac carrier (daughter has celiac disease) and was able to go off all my thyroid meds. My hashimotos went completely into remission, normal levels, no antibodies.

Early pregnancy, my numbers started to change, indicating the hormones triggered my hashis again. They didn’t retest from 11-28 weeks though 😫

By the time I got to my 28 week thyroid panel, things are way out of control. So they prescribed me armour thyroid, given the success I’ve had with it before.

I’ve taken it 5 days in a row now, and started noticing my fatigue getting WAY worse. Like, so bad I want to cry right now because I need a nap. In addition to that, I’m also getting headaches. The last two days which I haven’t had my entire pregnancy.

I’m only on a 1/2 grain so far and will be readjusted after my blood test in 2 weeks.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Or is it just a coincidence?