🐸☕️Hot summer nights in TJ ☕️🐸


OK so this happened about 18 days ago. So this opportunity came up, my boyfriend was working really hard and he worked for 4 weeks straight to get four days off back to back. He told me that he was thinking about taking his friend to his uncles house in Mexico but wanted to know if I was down to tag along, that me and him could take the other time for just me and him get a hotel beach front. but see me and him had always been talking about having a mini vacation get away together because my family is super conservative I mean forgot sakes my dad is barely finding out that I’m not a virgin. I’ve always wanted to go on this mini escapade with my boyfriend of almost 5 years. I’ve always been a good family girl and always been a good daughter are doing what my dad and my family wants from me and playing an important Role as the first daughter. It had token me all these years for me to finally buckle up and do what I actually wanted and not really cared about what my family thought was best. I’m 23 years old for gods sake!! I’ll be 24 in eight months. 😱😨😰😨I was so scared and nervous packing up my bag from Mexico looking for my bathing suit and kind of making sure nobody was listening to me as i pack. that and I live in a household of more than five. Finally my boyfriend he came out of work already packed up and already five minutes away from my house. I nervously tied a jump rope and lowered down my luggage into my backyard from the second floor. I was super scared that someone was gonna catch me !! My grandma maybe ?? Idk but my phone rang around 5:55 ! I remember cuz then I looked up the meaning of 555. And he told me he was down the street waiting for me to head over. I walked through the back and left and didn’t turn back. It was so exciting and I was scared at the same time cuz I knew my family wouldn’t be the same when I got back. I wore a shirt that’s had the words “keep the good times rolling” printed on it 5 times, I wore it purposefully so when I’d look in the mirror I would be less anxious. We had the best time in rosarito we stayed at a hotel for two nights , we could walk across the street and we where at the beach with beautiful blue cold water. I had my hair braided by a women selling her braided looks and my bf got a cool fedora type hat. I ate grilled octopus and had amazing dinners every night for amazing prices!!! Ugh it was amazing !!! ☕️🐸☕️🐸☕️🐸☕️🔥🥰💋🍭🍡 this is where the deets come in. I knew I was going on my first get away with my man and I really wanted to show up in some sexy lace . So I grabbed a Lacey body suit That i had been trying to show my man and never got to and then what’s even more extra!!! Is that literally a couple days before I knew he was going to this trip I had went to a Japanese cosplay store and saw the wall of wigs and I had to try some on just for fun!! I ended up buy the wig cap and a waist length lavender wig with some bangs. It looked great. So before I had left the house I took it out the bag and threw it in my suit case just Incase!!! Finally it’s our last night there and I had told me I had a surprise for him later on in the night. After a night on the town we headed back to our hotel and he got comfortable turned on the AC and turned the TV on. While he was acting normal I’m over here with this sexy plan up my sleeve. I grab a towel with my sexy suit and wig and go the restroom. Mind you it’s already 12 midnight he’s ready to sleep kinda even forgot I had said anything to him about the sexy surprise. So I’m already super to my stomach nervous about wether I can pull this off or not. But I can be a very open confident person when I want , here I really wanted to but I was nervous as heck!!! Everything was on right I looked super cute. It was my moment of truth. I stood in the door and opened it super fast.

One turn my way and I quickly shut the door. With instant tears of nervousness 😭😭😭 and quickly got ahold of myself and said “you can do this , your sexy and fun” and I opened the door and walked out in a sexy cat walk. Staring at his eyes. There was just silence in the room. I posed and sat up on the corner of the bed . He took a deep breath and his eyes smiled he asked “who are you!?” I just stayed still with my hip poked out I bit more then I normally would and asked a question with a question “ do you like it ?” And his face got super blushy and hugged me and said yes. 🤯🥵🤩 he started to kiss my neck and unzip my suit and I pushed him back and said “Iv only been wearing this for 5min” so he told me to lead and do what ever I wanted. So I took out this awesome bluzzy seductive jazz playlist I had on and danced around the room in the most best seductive slow way I could. After a good 10 min of hardcore twirling and flashing he couldn’t resist but to push me up against him and he took off my lace suit slow and with many sexy kisses .


He told me he had brought a surprise to!!!

I was spread open 🤩🤣

while he dug around his luggage

Staring at his brown cheeks.

He tells me to close my eyes he leaning on me like if he was going down on me. When I hear this strong vibration sound and automatically start giggling and he tells me “ shhh” . He’s not the type to be open with toys. So this was a huge surprise 😅😇😍

It was an amazing time and I risked it all for some amazing unforgettable moments.