The unknown


So yesterday I took a test and then two more. All positive, we’ve been trying for 6 years.

I can’t seem to figure out how far along I am. I went to 6 stores to look for a clear blue test that tells you how many weeks and nothing couldn’t find any tests just regular.

I’m mostly confused cause I had a period July 19-23 and then ONE day of spotting on the 29th along with a migraine and some dizziness.

We baby danced July 4th and 6th and July 25th so I’m guessing I’m 3 week going on 4 weeks. I’m not sure.

Also, baby danced June around the time I had for the first time egg white CM then a very light period again.

When I tested the lines were so fast and dark.

When I called my GYN she said, “oh so you’re a week pregnant” I thought girl those lines were dark and fast. Also a digital showed pregnant too.

What do you all think?