Crazy Day at 34 Weeks


Staying in the hospital for the night after seeing some liquid leakage (clear and watery) over the last two days, thinking it might be amniotic fluid. Came in and they took a series of swabs, to test for GBS and the protein in amniotic fluid. Just so happens it came back positive! They think there might be a high tear but they are hoping it resolves itself as I haven’t leaked since getting here really. My fluid measured at 25 ml which is a lot and they think if there’s a tear, that it’s hardly leaking. Either way, I took a steroid shot to help babies lungs in the event I deliver this week (they didnt want to send me home run the risk of an infection) and I’m now on antibiotics.

As much as I want to meet baby boy, I am hoping he can stay in past this week. If not, it’s meant to be and I’m thankful I’m 34 weeks and in great hands. ❤️ For now, I’m in and out of sleep at the hospital until more tests tomorrow. Keep you all in the loop!