38 weeks pee or leaking fluid??

Okay so I always drip pee after peeing, so that's why I'm confused.

I was sitting on the toilet doing my makeup..because I'm a lazy turd and didnt feel like standing and I felt some drips come out, and it was enough to dampen the crotch of my underwear. So I changed my underwear and (tmi) I smelled to see if it smelled like pee and it didnt. So I changed my underwear (light colored this time so I could see exactly how much) and more drips came out. Nothing more than drips. I smelled again and does not smell like pee it just smells like natural usual vag smell..if that makes sense, but it wasnt the sweet smell everyone says amniotic fluid smells like either.

Anyone ever experience this? Is it prob just pee?

If it continues I'll call the on call doc, I just dont want to go to the hospital and get a bill because I peed myself..🙄