I miss him so much!

I'm finding this breakup hard, I get the feeling we may get back together one day just from messages he's sent. Like I know I have anxiety issues I need to address, I messaged him yesterday to just ask him outright if he's just stopped loving me and said that if there's no chance I'd rather know so I can leave him be and move on with my life. He replied and said for me to sort myself out first.. So there's hope right? 🤔 But then other times I find myself worrying that we'll never get back and I stress myself out thinking of all the memories we've made, our baby who's 5 months, and I worry about what the future holds. I keep my worries to myself though because the last thing I want to do is push him away further. I read so much into everything, like today.. He dropped the baby home to me, he had her last night because I had a night to myself in a hotel just to chill and try and clear my head. When he brought her home he noticed I had new clothes on and was asking about the hotel even though I'd sent pics. Like he was starting the conversation. (he never used to notice me weari g new clothes before) the reason we split was just arguing all the time about minor things, we just both got fed up of it. I think we just need time out for a little while, but it's so hard to know what's gonna happen. It worries me because the thought of him ever being with someone else kills me!