Induction due to age?!?

I was told at my last 2 appointments that I shouldn’t go past 39 weeks (currently 37+2). Well, I see a group practice. One doc said pick a date between 39-40 weeks. The other doc said no going past 39 weeks, not even 1 day because risk of still birth goes up with every day past 39 weeks.... The reason? Because I am over 35 (I am 37). I have read the articles and do see that risk is higher....not significantly higher but yes it goes up. But I honestly don’t want to be induced. The only time I was induced I lost my daughter (completely unrelated to induction) but it brings back all of those memories.... I am so confused and torn. I want to start labor naturally, I am already 3cm dilated and 50% effaced.... but I don’t want to rush him out either and start all these other “natural ways to get labor going”. I walk a lot regardless because I am still working, and on my days off take care of an active toddler. Anyone else being induced because of their age? Advice? Thanks guys ❤️❤️❤️