Water breaking?



What did y’all feel like the hours before your water broke? Could you tell something was different? I’ve been feeling pressure down there all day and hard pains. Hopeful my water will break! 38+4 today.

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One hour before my water broke I just had a lot of period cramps then I lost my mucus plug.


Erin • Aug 5, 2019
Man. I’ve been losing my plug for days. Idk how I still have anything to lose!!


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Honestly everything felt just like normal. 🤷‍♀️ No contractions, no sharp pains, no extra discharge.


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No clue or indication water was going to break.


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My water broke at 7am. I had been waking up all night and running to the bathroom because I felt like I was having diarrhea cramps. I would sit there and try to poop and nothing. Eventually I would give up and go back to bed. And then I woke up to pee, laid back down and felt a sensation like many head butting my cervix and them a giant gush.

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I lost my mucus plug a few days before. Then I got a burst of energy cleaned my whole house, fell down the steps taking the trash out, went to bed, and woke up feeling like I had to pee. My water broke on the toilet. Lol.


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I woke up in the night with strong cramping/start of labour and my waters broke a few hours later but I didn’t have any indication that they were going to go x