I can't cope....😭😭


My baby has now went over 2 weeks without eating a proper meal. He drinks his milk twice a day most of the time and water but when it comes to his meals... He simply turns his face away....im at the end of my tether. I've been to the doctors 3 times and the hospital... To no avail.

I've tried different foods I've tried distracting him...I get frustrated and angry shout something like "please just eat it" ... He cries, I cry...I give him a cuddle he goes back to playing with his toys while I cry for hours thinking all sorts it sound alike a pretty pathetic thing to get angry and frustrated about but I'm literally soo worried I can't sleep properly I'm actually so depressed and anxious then at turn I feel pathetic because something so simple is making me feel like this 😞...the first week I was fine I just thought it was maybe a little fussy phase and thought I'll get various different things he hasn't tried when I get paid so I got loads of stuff but nope hes still not interested....I don't know what else to do 😭 meal times used to be fun... Now I dread them... And he probably does too....i feel like the world's worst mum 😩 and literally no one will help me. I've reached out to all the professionals I possibly can...and they barely acknowledge it... They just say "he will eat when he is hungry"....im his mother this is not what I want to hear... All my friends babies seem to gulping down the food.... What in the world has happened so suddenly for him to totally refuse to eat for over a fortnight?

P. S I know getting angry and frustrated isnt Ideal...but it's hard to stay calm when he won't even take a spoonful...or a bite... I'm literally trying everything in my power.