Thankful for "morning" sickness


Currently 8weeks with my rainbow baby. Ironically we found out we were pregnant the week I was supposed to be due with our angel baby. So far lab work and scans all look good. We got to hear the heartbeat last week and everything looked "perfect" according to my doctor. I'm trying my best to not worry or over analyze but it's been tough. Everytime I start to freak out that my symptoms are fading I seem to get hit by sudden morning sickness. Like this morning I woke up well rested , no sore boobs (although still huge), and feeling pretty good. Of course my anxious heart started to worry if this meant my hormones were dropping but though and behold a few hours later I'm hanging out on the bathroom floor throwing up after smelling my dog's food. Anyone else grateful for every little symptom even if it means feeling like crap for a bit. I'm taking it as a sign things are going as the should be. Never been so happy to throw up before !