APS/Recurrent Miscarriages


So after 2 miscarriages in the past year while living in California, (The 1st one at 6 weeks - never saw sac or embryo and the 2nd one at 8 weeks after hearing the heart beat two times - the gestational sac wasn’t growing and my hcg wasn’t doubling normally - Also has low progesterone with both and was put on suppositories) my doctor did a recurrent miscarriage blood panel to see what’s going on.

She let me know she saw some elevation in my Antiphospholipd Antibodies and saw a slight mutation in my MTHFR and sent me to a Rheumatologist.

We’ve now moved back home to NJ so I’m in the midst of getting new doctors and so I just wrapped up at the rheumatologist in tears - He’s saying he doesn’t think it’s APS, but will be getting my blood work in a week. He’s all about me trying again and seeing what happens, which honestly scares me. My gut is just telling me it’s blood clotting and I really want to try lovenox the next time we get pregnant.

I’m meeting with my new OBGYN on Thursday and want to explain my fears and advocate for the lovenox, baby aspirin and progesterone regimen. Did any of you have to really push for this from your doctors? Any tips to share? I’m just an emotional mess and want to do what’s right for my body and of course my rainbow baby!