Adult having sex with minor, is it okay?

Hypothetically, if a teenage girl (age 11-14) had sex with an adult man (age 30+) willingly, is it still wrong?

I’ve been watching this YouTuber who goes undercover to catch predators. He reels them in by talking/acting like a teenage girl between 11-14. Very few of the comments stated the predator should have some leniency due to the fact the girl came on to the them (if this was real obviously-not YouTube).

In most states the age of consent is 16, so I was just curious what others thought if the girl was willing, would it still be molestation? Or is it fine because she “egged it on” or “reeled them in” ??

In my opinion it is molestation. Because the predator is manipulating them/using their age against them. Just curious what others think. The YouTuber is “anxiety war” if anyone was curious. Feel free to comment why or why not.

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