What do you think?

Those who withhold the rod hate their children, but the one who loves them applies discipline.

(Proverbs 13:24)

I get most of my parenting from the Bible, because there isn’t a book on how to raise your children, so the Bible is my main source. I don’t believe in beating the crap out of your kid, but I do believe in spanking, and there is a HUGE difference between spanking and child abuse. I have two boys, one 4, and one 6. It can get really hectic around the house. Both of my boys are hard headed,stubborn, and mischievous. Sometimes putting them in the corner just doesn’t do it. They think we’ll if I don’t clean my room I just stand in a corner for five minutes okay, but when they get a spanking they think wow mom or dad is serious and that hurt so I’m gonna clean my room now. Most of the time it even only takes the threat of a spanking to get them to shape up. What do you guys think? And do y’all use the bible as a good source? Have a blessed day! 😊