Just venting 😭

I’m currently 27 weeks pregnant and emotional as is. Today my fiancé’s sons mother texted him saying she is going to look at a house 125 miles away so about 2 hours and 22 minutes in travel time. We have his son 43% of the time. We just found out about him a year ago when he was 4 and the minute we found out he possibly had a son we did the dna testing (along with 3 other guys) and my fiancé ended up being the lucky winner. He decided he wasn’t going to just be a paycheck so started off slow with visitation to get to know him and now we have him three days a week. I am beyond frustrated that she is just trying to take that away. This little boy needs us! He had five rotten teeth due to the amount of candy and soda he has at her home and the lack or oral hygiene. He has no social skills since he just stayed home with her or his great grandma all day. He can’t even answer questions because he wasn’t talked to like a normal person. He doesn’t know how to express any basic needs like being hungry, thirsty,or needing to pee. The other day I asked him hey what are you doing (he was watching a movie) he said good.. this is a normal conversation with him or if you ask are you hungry do you want food he says I Carter. This to me is not normal 5 year old behavior. We have taught him so much in one year like how old he is and how to write it his alphabet his name and how to write and spell it,he didn’t even know how to play with toys. It took him 7 months in 4K to play with another child.He needs us so much and we needed him! I just want to cry out of frustration. I don’t understand why she needs or wants to move.