39+1 Doctor rant


This past Friday I go in for a membrane sweep, doc said come back earlier next week to discuss induction. Says I'm 3cm, believes I have good chance of going into labor on my own. Well nothing over the weekend, go in for my appointment today and had to see the on call doctor.🙄 On call doctor says I'm not dialated at all, wont even discuss induction until I'm PAST my due date and says well schedule it the end of the week of my due date. I'm so irritated rn. I dont need nor want a lecture on keeping my baby in until 40 weeks, my original doctor considers me currently full term and I really dont understand why I dont get a say in what I do with my body and my baby. I'm so over being passed around, I just want to see MY doctor each time. I really hope no one but my doctor ends up delivering my baby at this point even though I know it's likely. Rant over.