Raising the wrong baby..?! READ!!!


I saw a post on here about their baby getting switched and then it reminded me of a show called “switched at birth” I watched where literally the babies were switched at the hospital but they didn’t find out until they were in high school. I wanted to do a poll and see what your thoughts are...

IF you took a baby home thinking he/she were yours and then when the baby was 3 months old you were informed that the baby was in fact NOT your baby and someone else had yours..would you be devastated at the thought of losing your so thought baby you’ve bonded so deeply with? Would you be 100% willing to give this baby you’ve grown to love back to the actual parents and take your baby from them? Would you keep the baby you went home with and try to be in your other babies life? I cannot imagine being in that kind of situation. My heart breaks inside thinking my little guy could ever not be mine and I’d have to give him to someone else ever even if he wasn’t mine lol. Would you have trouble bonding with your real baby? Ugh that would just be so hard.

*the polls won’t let my options be long enough so please comment to explain more if you want!

Vote below to see results!