Should you be required too...

BonQuiQui • I’m blunt with my words, I don’t like animals get over it☺️

So today I was registering my son for school, I live on a busy street because of his school, you could hit a rock with it from my house. I over heard the office staff talking about an interesting topic.

One lady said she feels you should be required to use your garage or driveway to park your cars unless you have more than 2 cars and need to park one on the street.

The other girl said that no one should be required to do anything because it’s not anyone’s fault but the drivers if someone gets hit because people need to pay more attention when crossing or driving.

We have had multiple deaths because kids aren’t using the cross walks and will bolt from in between the cars or cars being side swipe because they stick so far out. Last year a 5 years girl was walking home with some friends and was waiting at the end of the street at the cross walk; where she was standing there was a car next to her blocking the other drivers vision and when she went to walk the car hit and killed her 2 feet from her apartment.

I live on a busy street that has multiple cars on the street with empty drive ways, I’ve had kids run out of in between cars chasing a ball or other kids, causing me to hit the breaks (I see them before hand) but my street is no narrow it causes issues getting through it.

Do you think it should or shouldn’t be a requirement to use your garage or drive way before you park on the street?