I don't pump.


I'm 4 months into my breastfeeding journey. During the first month and a half post partum, I was pumping after every feed and freezing my milk to build up my freezer stash. Once I got a decent amount (50oz or so total) I decided pumping was too exhausting to continue, but I was terrified that not pumping would make my milk dry up and I wouldn't be able to breastfeed. Like so many other mothers I felt so stressed and pressured to make sure I was pumping enough, and freaking out if a pumping session produced less milk than usual.

I used to google things like "do I have to pump to breastfeed" or "will my milk dry up if I stop pumping" and I was shocked at the lack of information out there. It seems like EVERY source I went to only talked about how often you HAVE to pump. There was virtually nothing on supporting a breastfeeding relationship without pumping.

As time went on, I slowly phased out pumping sessions. Women have breastfed for thousands of years - yes, even before pumps existed. Our bodies are made to detect the demand of the baby and produce a supply perfectly sufficient to feed them. I havent pumped in nearly 2 months and my milk supply is perfect for my baby. What a weight off my shoulders to no longer have to stress about pumping.

I wish someone would have told me I didnt ABSOLUTELY HAVE to pump in order to breastfeed. I don't get this crazy obsession with pumping... it's more stress than it's worth if you ask me.

***Obviously, this doesn't include breastfeeding mothers who are working and therefore have to pump****