Bad experience. Bad therapist


So back story this kid I will name him Matt. Matt and I have known each other since kindergarten. We have always known of each other and talk now and then but were never super close till this last year my freshman year of high school. I have never liked him I always just thought of him as a friend. So on to the story..... I had biology with Matt and my best friend. And we sat at a table together and we were all really close. On October 24th my best friend needed to go to a dentist appointment and I asked Matt to sit beside me so we could do a project that we started the day before. He didnt seem weird when we were walking to class but he did once we walked into class. We sat down and needed to talk a couple of note before we started working on our projects. This would mean the room was dark and the teacher was in his little room outside of his classroom. This meant that no supervision was in the room. Matt kinda started to flirt with me. This made me uncomfortable beings that I had already was talking to someone. I kinda just did a little giggle and brushed it off. Then he got a little more aggressive because I really had no reaction. He started to touch my inner thigh making it a lot more uncomfortable. I said No and stop to him as it was not okay. And he came back with “you know you like it”. This made me want to rethink it. Maybe I did like maybe I should like it but I really didn’t like it. The next day my best friend came back and Matt asked us both if we would come over to “finish our project”. Not thinking about what had happened the day before we both said yes. When we came to his house it was kinda weird. Nobody but him was home. This was weird because before he had told us his mom and his little sister twins were going to be there. We started to work on our project around 4:30 and around 5 he asked us if we wanted to take a break and go down to his room. Even though I was really hesitant the stuff that happened the day before still in the back of my mind I went down with them. It was really weird when Matt was walking behind us and when we got into his room he closed and locked the door. We played a little bit of games on his Xbox. We were all sitting on his bed and he suddenly turned the tv off and came after us both cornering us. This was super uncomfortable and I didn’t know what to do. He started to grabbing me again like the day before. And NO was the only thing that I could say. At this point I was raped and I didn’t know what to do. I felt dirty and like it was my fault. Now it has been months and I had already tried to press charges and they were dropped. And I was told that this situation wasn’t “serious enough”. Now I feel like no guy will ever love me. I feel like being sexually assaulted and/or raped has made me unlovable. Anyways just would like some advice.
