Irregular periods


Usually during summer I my cycle gets really weird, it’s always been a little irregular but the last few years summertime is the worst. Last year I missed my period in June and July, then when started in August it was heavy flow for almost 2 weeks, September was heavy and longer than normal. By October it finally went back to its normal irregular. This summer is weird too. June was later than expected, then July I just had 2 days of heavy then done. Then this month I started 19 days late, spotted for a day, had really bad cramps for another week and just finally started a normal flow today. For the last few years I’ve had really big clots, today I’ve had the worst ever (a few were golf ball size), I get this feeling of needing to push like I’m delivering a baby and can feel them come out (sorry if that’s TMI). I’ve been breaking out more, losing clumps of hair, my shower is full of them and I’m getting visible bald spots now, I get really dizzy and tired especially during my period, and my mood swings have been bad. I’m a little freaked out, it doesn’t feel right, and my work schedule hasn’t left me enough time to get in to my gynecologist. Has anyone else dealt with this? Does anyone think this is something worth asking for time off of work to deal with or should I just wait until my next annual checkup in November?