Advice please

Mayce • 1 baby in heaven, 1 perfect boy (answered prayers) and a girl on the way (surprise!!) Blessed ❤️

Hey guys I’m looking for some advice. I have asked my best friend and talked to family about what I should do, but figured this group could offer the best advice. I am having the gastric sleeve in early to mid October of this year, if my insurance company still agrees to pay for it. I do not have any health issues at all, what so ever, also no known fertility issues other than possible PCOS. My lady dr put me on Metformin months ago to help me conceive, but due to the busy summer & bad side effects, I put off taking them. Well, I told myself yesterday i need to start taking them because I really want my rainbow baby. (1 miscarriage last May, no children). I realized that my surgery is within 3 months. Most statistics and stories I have looked at or into, have said that women usually get pregnant within 3 months. So basically I don’t know if I should keep taking the Metformin to up the chances of me and my husband conceiving because if God does

bless, me I don’t know if I would ever be able to get the surgery down the road. I think I would be too scared that if something happened to me my baby would not have a mom. I also have heard from lots of people that losing weight makes the world of different when being pregnant and uncomfortable. Any advice? I’m thinking of not taking the metformin but continuing to not use protection, basically if it’s God’s will it will happen. Has anyone been in a situation like this? Thanks for reading this long post!!