If it’s not yours don’t touch it!!!


This morning I went to use my coffee creamer that I keep in the break room fridge, it has my name in huge letters, but for some f’ing reason, it was GONE. I know I had some left for at least 1 cup yesterday. So I’m already pissed, then I go to get my lunch, and my fucking drink is GONE. Am I the only one that feels like I shouldn’t have to write my name on everything I bring to work and expect people not to take it? Including office supplies, food, and whatever the fuck else they can find, it doesn’t matter. Someone will fucking take it. It’s so annoying. Now that I’m pregnant especially, if I go to get my lunch out of the break room fridge and it’s not there, I’m ready to fucking kill. And even if I go to grab my favorite pen and it’s not there, I’m ready to cry. If you didn’t buy it and bring it into the office, DONT TOUCH IT.