Dealing with IBS 23 years old

Chantelle • Hello! It`s awesome to chat with all you ladies and I love having this community where we can share ideas and concerns!

Hello everyone ,

I wanted to ask those who suffer from IBS how do you deal with it? I feel trapped in my own body I miss being able to eat food whenever I want and not rush to the bathroom. It’s got so bad that I am fearful of going out to new places if I don’t know where the washroom is I panic and my anxiety gets worse. My stomach is ok for a few days then I will have my episodes again where I can’t stop going to washroom. Doctors haven’t helped me I have been for blood tests and stool testing everything came back fine. I just want to live a normal life again and not be held back. Is there tips you have? Maybe a certain diet that helped you? Any advice would help I am only 23 years old and don’t want this controlling my life anymore.

Thank you again for helping me :( or even sharing your own stories xxxx