Very difficult question...

My husband is an Army Veteran. He’s supposed to be taking medicine for his PTSD & depression, but he stopped taking it a while ago. I’ve just been so busy with work I didn’t notice - I knew his mood had changed but he lied & told me he was still taking his medicine.

Well, Monday afternoon he snapped. He locked himself in our bedroom with our rifle & was going to kill himself. I had to call 911. The cops came in the house with their guns drawn because my husband was armed. The whole time our 18 month old daughter is in my arms crying yelling for my husband, her dad.

Not only do I feel like a shit parent for allowing my daughter to be in that situation, but I feel like a shit wife for not realizing that he wasn’t taking his medicine.

My husband is currently in a VA hospital receiving treatment. He calls to check on us & I tell him we’re okay. Ever since then my daughter refuses to let me leave a room without her. She’ll scream & cry at the top of her lungs until I hold her. She will go off & play with her 4 cousins, but as soon as I’m out of sight she freaks out. I’m still a little shaken up but I’m more worried about my daughter & husband.

I know this isnt a typical situation, but is her behavior normal after witnessing such an event? I hate myself for her getting exposed to it. Is this something I need to bring up to her pediatrician?

Has this happened to anyone else?