Amniotic band

Alexandra • Happily married ✨ Oakley Elise Summers🐝💗

So I went to my 2nd ultrasound on Thursday and I'm FINALLY out of the first trimester! But my doctor told me I have an amniotic band as you can see it in the first photo, I had a couple days to let it sink in I wasn't trying to stress about it cause i don't wanna stress the baby out but i am a little nervous. My doctor is sending me to a high risk doctor and I see him on Friday and all i know is that the band can take a limb off the baby. Anyone know more about it or is there anyone that has had one as well? I haven't looked too much of it up on google cause I don't wanna freak myself out. All I want is a healthy baby is it wrong for me to be freaked out about this? Oh also he/she decided to moon me in the bottom picture haha

My first ultrasound they waved at me and they said hi again!! It's like they know I'm looking at them haha but here's to 14 weeks!!

My little squirt 🙏❤