HELP with Business Name!

Athena • Survivor 🤍 Dodge Ram Truck Girl

So my name is Athena Harmon. I got into essential oils with DoTERRA and have been trying to live a healthier lifestyle. My husband practically eats chapstick 😂 so instead of buying them I made my own recipe and found its much cheaper to do that than buy products at the store that I’m unsure of. Him, as well as other family and friends told me I should start a business doing that and it’s something I’d love to do! I also make soap and scrubs and such as well. The original name me and people around me were thinking was Essentially Athena, but I don’t want my first name in my business name 🤷🏻‍♀️😬. So then I was thinking Harmon’s Handmade Essentials (but it’s too long) and then it went to Harmon Essentials. Because of my name being Athena I thought about Goddess Essential, but later down the road I’d like to also have men’s natural products as well and a name like “Goddess Essential” wouldn’t really attract the guys I’m sure. Any help and advice would be much appreciated! Thank y’all so much!