Could I be Pregnant ?

Okay so Im 16 and I really think I’m pregnant. I took a test at my doctors office last week and it was negative but I’m still not having my period and it’s been about 2 weeks since I was supposed to have it. I don’t really have transportation to go to the doctor and take another test or any money to buy one for myself. So I’ve been trying out homemade pregnancy tests with household items and the results of all of them have been positive. If anyone here has used any homemade test methods can y’all tell me how they went and if they were actually positive? And just some advice on what to do. I’m really scared and my relationship isn’t in good place right now. I just feel like this would tip things over the edge 😓

Edit: I’ve taken the home test before and the results has always been the same till today. The results were “positive”based on the directions on them. And I wouldn’t be upset about this normally but my doctor told me that it’s probably too early to tell if I am or not.