The things strangers say..



We were at the grocery store and a lady ask me how many babies I’m having... I assured her there is only 1. Lol why do people say these things?!

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Posted at
You should have thrown some frozen peas in her face.
You should have thrown some frozen peas in her face.


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Why is it always the grocery store?! Seriously! Today I had my two girls with me and I’m expecting a boy, the cashier was like “let me guess it’s a boy this time?” Yes. “Oh perfect! Two girls and a boy now you guys can be done having kids! You’re done having kids after this right?” I just stared at her with an annoyed smile on my face and said We haven’t decided if we are done after this one or not. “Well you guys should be done because now you have your boy” I told her again we haven’t decided yet. I felt like a broken record after about the 4th time of telling her we haven’t decided yet! Like just shut up you don’t know me and stop telling me to stop having kids now that I have both genders 😑


Cara • Aug 7, 2019
My thoughts exactly! Haha I mean my husband and I have discussed that 4 kids would be our max regardless. We may stop after this one but I haven’t even had him yet so we aren’t making any final decisions about. If we had ended up with 3-4 girls or 3-4 boys we still would’ve been perfectly happy! To me you don’t have to have a boy and a girl to be happy 🤷🏼‍♀️ as long as baby gets here healthy.


Am • Aug 7, 2019
As if the only point of having kids is to have a boy and girl 🙄 not sure why people are concerned with how many kids other people have haha


Posted at
This past weekend at a music event on the river, and older lady came up to me and asked if I was giving my baby up for adoption because I looked 15, and that her daughter had been struggling for the past two years to conveive, and had found out it would be dangerous for her to carry a baby so they were going the adpotion route... I responded nicely and told her no, and that I waited years for this baby, that I was 25 and happily married (can't wear my wedding band cause of swelling), and wished her and her daughter well.But I still can't believe she came up to me to ask, and had made assumptions.


Am • Aug 7, 2019
Omg. I would be furious. That is too far!!


Nandina • Aug 7, 2019
Wow, whole new level of inappropriate!


Er • Aug 7, 2019
OMG WHAT?!?!? Who does that?!


Posted at
I feel you... This morning I got caffeine policed at timmies... Because of course I don't know how much caffeine I should have
I feel you... This morning I got caffeine policed at timmies... Because of course I don't know how much caffeine I should have


Rachel • Aug 8, 2019
Timmies is life


Am • Aug 8, 2019
I love my timmies haha I get a coffee every single morning!


Am • Aug 8, 2019
So frustrating lol! People should mind their own business.


Posted at
People are crazy.


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My favourite thing to do now is say .. ummm I’m not pregnant Or when they say omg you’re so big- look completely shocked as if I hadn’t noticed that I’ve put on 1736261 lbs 😂People are so rude. My own mother calls me fatty -.-


Natasha • Aug 8, 2019
This is my first 😂 but telling strangers I’m not pregnant is my favourite because they just don’t where to look or what to say 😂


Am • Aug 8, 2019
Oh that is too funny, and mean from your mom! My family keeps saying “that’s going to be a big baby”. My first was 8 13 so it’s not like I don’t know this baby will be big too haha.


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I get that all the time. That imGoing to have a big baby because my belly ia big. How do people not notice they are being rude 🤦🏻‍♀️


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Because people freaking suck!


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Ugh that’s so rude. I would have told her I’m having like 5 lol


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They’re rude! Especially older people. I try so hard to force a smile and move on. Why would anyone think an 8 month pregnant women wants to hear how big they look??


Am • Aug 7, 2019
Exactly haha luckily I just shake my head. Doesn’t hurt my feelings it’s just strange to me that people think they can comment on someone’s size just because they are pregnant!