Please get your pets spayed/neutered.

I live in a small town and I have probably 5 stray cats a day pass through my yard. One of them even had babies in my yard and then disappeared. Second year in a row btw, last time we didnt know until we found them all dead in December on the edge of our property. Her babies were dirty and screaming, we found the mom dead about 2 blocks down the road. I'm not certified to take care of kittens that are under a week old. I work a full time job and I have a 2 year old, a dog and a SPAYED cat. I've had these kittens for 2 days now and Ive called every shelter within an hour and nowhere will take them, they say they're all too full of stray cats. Ive been feeding them kitten forumla from walmart. One shelter even told me to just put them back outside and see what happens, their mom is dead and Im supposed to just let them die? Even if they survived out there thats 6 more stray cats in my town. Please please get your pets spayed or neutered. I cannot deal with this heartbreak every year because you let your cats wander outside unfixed.