Elvie vs willow pump


Hi moms!

Does anyone own/use an Elvie or a Willow? I have some questions Id rather ask other moms with first hand experience than a rep at a support center lol

Ill be returning to work as a Bartender/ Server early next month. Shifts are typically about 6 hours and after traveling to drop off/pick up baby Ill likely be going a good 10 hours without pumping/nursing. I’m seriously considering investing in one of these, in addition to my madela, since there’s nowhere I can realistically pump while at work and on top of that I don’t have a break period to run to my car to pump.

My questions are mainly about practicality. For either pump:

How easy is it to remove pumped milk and store? (I dont get a set break so Ill have to slip away quickly to do this)

Has anyone had the opportunity to try both pumps?

Any leaking issues?

Can it be worn for many hours at a time? And will it pump multiple times without emptying first?

How loud are they?

Anything you would want to let another mom know before purchasing or anything you wish you had known beforehand?

I know this is a long post and ultimately Ill likely be getting one of the two.. just trying to see the better option. Also I know the elvie has reusable storage cups whereas the willow has single use bags.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far!