Do you think your man/woman should clean around the house or at least cook if they don’t have a job & does nothing all day?

My bf recently moved across the country to live with me & he’s been here for about a month. We have had a hard time financially for a couple months and hasn’t really helped me much with bills since it’s been hard for him to find a job. Now, I’m completely fine with taking care of things for a LITTLE while BUTTTT when I go to work I expect the house to be cleaned. Ladies 🤦🏿‍♀️ when I tell u this man sits at home and plays video games/ watches videos in his phone all day...... it’s a pain in the ass bc the house is always clean, it’s just a few things that should be picked up throughout the day. Sometimes I’ll have breakfast (waffles from the freezer) & I’ll leave the plate & fork in the sink. I’ll ask him nicely if he can just wash the small amount of dishes while I’m at work ALLLL day, & he’ll complain. Or he will wait till I get home to do it after I’ve reminded him. Another thing is, cooking lunch or dinner. Ik a lot of you will say that’s the woman’s job but I’m working all day and coming back home starving. It takes about an hour to cook dinner & by that time I’ve almost passed out bc I barley eat during the day so sometimes it would be nice to come home to a CLEAN house with dinner prepared. Butttttt I doubt that’s going to happen anything soon with him playing his damn video games all goddamn day! Am I asking for too much or am I being a reasonable human being?

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