Head too low, can’t feel cervix

**Currently 38 weeks 4 days**

Due date - August 18th, FTM

We just left our appointment and they set up an induction date for the 18th (this was our original estimated due date). They don’t want her going past that because of how big she is measuring. My last two appointments her head has been so low that she can’t feel my cervix, so she can’t tell how dilated I am, but thinks I’m pretty well effaced at this point. Is that even a thing?! I’ve never heard of this before.. out of curiosity, how many moms have experienced this? Did you deliver before your expected due date?

I asked if she thought I would deliver before then and she said she doesn’t like to tell her patients yes or no because she doesn’t want us to be disappointed if it doesn’t go how she said. However, she smiled, giggled, and nodded her head up and down when answering my question. I left pretty anxious! Regardless, we are having a baby within the next 10 days 😊

We are over the moon, happy to meet this little girl!!