**update** 36 weeks possible preeclampsia


Went in for my 36 week check up today and gained 11 lbs in one week. Swelling in feet,ankles,hands and face. Also had trace protein in urine and bp of 146/90. Sent me to the hospital for tests and everything is coming back normal so far! Doing a 24 hour urine sample for protein will know more tomorrow. Anyone else experiencing this or have been through this before? I was very concerned about the 11 lb weight gain considering I've only been gaining a half a pound- a pound every 2 weeks.


Went to the hospital again yesterday passed my 24hr urine test but had high bp again and some headaches/dizziness. Doctor said I have gestational hypertension and that I will be induced next week when I hit 37 weeks! Hopefully this helps others out that are going through the same steps!!! Goodluck to everyone 🤗🤗