Barely gained weight 😭


Hey Mamas, I just had my daughter's 4 month appointment and she has only gained 7oz in 2 months 😭 I am so upset and feel so guilty. My doctor is having us start supplementing with 2oz of formula after each nursing session. Would appreciate some encouragement and love, I am feeling pretty upset right now 😭 I am not against formula by any means, just sad that I haven't been able to give my girl what she needs and that she might have still been hungry every day and I just didn't know it 😥 I am going to a breastfeeding clinic next week to do a weighted feed and a pumping session to check with a lactation consultant and make sure everything is good on my end. If she accepts the two ounces of formula after each feed, I will switch to pumping after each feeding giving her breast milk.