Similac Alimentum vs Total Comfort

SouthernMama • Happily Married 💍 👶🏼 👼🏼🤰🏼

Hey guys! FTM here. My LO has been struggling with finding the right formula that works with his tummy.

He started out on breast milk and Similac Sensitive. Then he went to breast milk and Similac Pro Sensitive. Then he went to just Pro Sensitive. The changes were due to lots of throw up of his bottles and upset tummy. Then on the Pro Sensitive after a few weeks he was screaming and screaming all the time so we switched him to Similac Alimentum and it worked ok so he went to the Alimentum Ready to Feed and did better but he was also put on Zantac around the same time and did really well. The doctor said he thinks the improvement was due to the meds and he doesn’t need to be Alimentum and wants us to work back to Similac Sensitive.

We’ve given him a few bottles of Alimentum powder now and he’s throwing up a lot. And he seems really unhappy. I’m not sure if it’s just due to the switch or if the Alimentum powder is causing him pain. I am tempted to just move him to Total Comfort which my doctor said to try next after we finished a can of Alimentum.

My question is does anyone know what the difference is between Total Comfort and Alimentum?? Did your LO have more success with one over the other?