A guilty conscience will catch up with ur ass everytime.

CRYSTAL • 🌈🌈 Taylor Naomi💜 August 8, 2020--Baby Cobb April 3, 2025

For months, I've told my boyfriend that this woman wanted him and it made me uncomfortable for him to talk to her. He said, "she isn't thinking about u or me. You look like a crazy person. She has too much going on, she is out her making her money."

That is legit what he said.

While I was pregnant, he text this woman and said, "happy birthday, love you!" He doesn't address his behavior. Skips past it like it didn't happen, gets drunk to gain courage, then goes off about me going through his phone. 24hours later, he wants to pretend nothing happened. He will issue a sorry with a pat on the back and say, I love u.

Last Friday, I found out my BF was chatting with his ex of 7 years and this same woman he claimed he wasn't talking to anymore. The ex...she literally offered her condolences from his brother dying back in June. THIS guy goes on to tell her how he was heart broken when she got married she curbed him EACH time. Then asks about me. He disregarded her and said, I miss us. She ignored it completely.

The other one, she sending scriptures and inviting this man to her home. Now I don't 100% blame her bc she acts that way because he allows her advances. .

So, I bring it to him. Again, he doesn't address his behavior. Skips past it like it didn't happen, gets drunk to gain courage, then goes off about me for going through his phone. 24 hours later, he wants to pretend nothing happened. He issues a sorry with a pat on the back and say, I love u.

Well.........now, he comes to me and says, ur ex still has pictures of you and him on his page. U must still be dealing with him. Mind u these photos are from 2012-2016 and there are maybe 8. He says u need to delete him as a friend or I'm done with you!

I said oh okay. Then bye bc u lied, didn't address it, then I've been asked u to delete this woman from FB and u keep her as a friend and add and chat with her on Instagram.

I told him to go. He still won't leave. Walking around texting trying to justify how he has been a fool🤣🤣

I told him if he isn't gone by the end of day, I'm going to have the cops escort him off the premises 😊

Rant over...