Vitamin D drops for beeastfeedibg baby. Do you use them and where can I get some?


So my health visitor said I should be giving my baby vitamin D drops because he’s exclusively breastfed. I went to the pharmacy to get some over-the-counter stuff but they only sold multivitamin drops (one brand was for under 12 months while the other was 4+months). Despite one being for under 12m they refused to sell me them because baby is only 4 weeks old and had more than just vit D in them. The pharmacist told me that because I’m taking vit D supplements myself, baby will be getting all he needs. This contradicts the nhs website and what my HV said so now I’m confused.

Does baby need the drops or not? And if he does, how can I get them if no one will sell them to me?

Sorry for a rambling post! Confused FTM needs some guidance!