Listen to your kids

I've been through many traumatizing and abusive events but today I want to bring awareness and share my story.

When I was around 5 or 6 I was sent to a babysitter. It was an in-home private setting and I was doing well for the most part, until one day. The sitter made lunch and it had coleslaw, I can't eat coleslaw because I feel physically ill by it. The sitter had made a replacement for another little girl that I was friends with so I asked for one too and was told no. She sat me at the table and wouldn't let me get up until I ate the coleslaw. I tried a bite and I threw up on my plate. This woman moved me to her bedroom and locked me in the room until I ate the coleslaw and vomit.

I told my parents when they came to get me. They believed me and let me decide if I wanted a new sitter, I did. I thrived at the new sitters place and have good memories from it.

My point is, be careful who you let watch your kids or who you let around. Also, listen to your kids and believe them. I'm so glad my parents believed me and took action but I realized not every kid gets that opportunity. In case anyone is wondering, Cole slaw still makes me vomit mainly because of what that sitter did to me.