Dear rapists

I wish y’all rot in hell. Y’all took my innocence and it hurts. I’m done with guys period. I realized a lot about me from everything. I’m a proud lesbian that’s something y’all couldn’t take from me. You took my happiness. I tried to commit suicide after all that many times. I never succeeded. I found my purpose in life. I have a loving girlfriend. I’m 14 now. I survived. It’s like y’all still control me in some ways. It’s sucks and I’m tired of it. Trust me I’m trying to do more. Help people who’s been in my position and who are still in this position. I’m helping younger and older people. I found my calling. Y’all calling us to be in hell or locked up. Imagine what happens to rapists in prison. Fuck you all for doing that shut. You fucked me up pretty bad. I was already fucked up but you all finally destroyed everything the little strength I had. I’m trying to be a role model for little girls who has been silenced. Speak up!!!! Never let them take everything away. I will give back. I know I will. One day you’ll be behind bars unable to hurt a single soul. Everything will prove that. I will bc when I get older my music will inspire. You didn’t take my music. My passion to do the greater good....