Unexpected C-Section

Amber • 25, FTM, Cyrus 💚

I came in the hospital to be induced three days before my actual due date. I came in early at 5AM and it didn’t take long for them to start me on Pitocin and my contractions were about every 2-3 minutes right before I got my epidural and reading SUPER high on the chart, and immediately after anesthesia left the room, my OB came in and broke my water! At this point when she checked my cervix I was about 5-6 CM dilated and completely thinned out. So they upped my Pitocin levels and got me to 8CM pretty quickly. Well my baby’s heart rate dropped incredibly low and stayed low for a bit of time, so they moved me around and finally got it back up but it wasn’t fluctuating the way they wanted it to, and at this point it’s been hours and I still haven’t dilated past 8CM. Finally the on call OB came in my room and told me that we could wait it out and see if I dilate more or that he could take me back to the OR and have a c-section. At the risk of my baby’s heart rate dropping again, he and I decided that the C-Section would be the best option for me.

I was terrified. I cried the entire time. But as soon as I heard my baby crying I just knew everything was okay (I know super cliche but also very true 😂) so on August 7th at 10:20 PM

weighing in at 6 pounds 12 oz and 18 and a half inches long Cyrus Bay was born and I could not be more in love