Ex boyfriend is threatening to killhimsef

So we had been dating for about four years. We where best friends, inseparable. The last few years he started to get clingy, controlling, then it got to the point he would threaten me everytime I wanted to be alone. We finally broke up and he got very suicidal. I know lots of men will try to manipulate with suicide but he honestly is not faking it. He has struggled with suicide most of his life. We have been long distance currently and he’s a few states away from me.

A few days ago he threatened to suicide again, I talked him out of it. He told me calling the cops on him would be pointless because he would just lie and pretend to be okay and make the cops think I’m the crazy one. I’ve looked into mental hospitals but I highly doubt him or his family would be able to pay for something like that. And me being a days drive away can’t go look at them.

Now he’s telling me if he dies i could legally be held responsible because he says I’m the cause of the suicide.

Ive talked to his family about this, they are not doing anything to help him nor do they plan do. They have sort of a “natural selection” mindset and frankly makes me so angry.

I don’t know what to do. Every option to me like calling cops or notify his family doesn’t seem like could work. Does anyone have any suggestions .