Rant...want baby out.


So obviously I’m so happy to be having my baby girl but my body is over it. I’m at the point where I can’t get sleep. The heart burn in unbelievable, I wake up with puke in my mouth because of heart burn. I can’t eat any full meal cause my stomach will hurt, if I’m lucky enough to keep that meal down (thanks again heart burn)

I’m only 38 weeks but my doctor says she sees me going past my due date. I’m bummed out. I’ve been doing everything to help encourage this baby to at least come close to the due date lol. We are only a little over 1cm dilated for the past month. I’m walking, doing squats, ate spicy food (yay more heartburn) eating all the pineapple lol, drank the midwives brew (did absolutely nothing)

Before I get judged to badly...the doctor is estimating that my baby will be at least 9lbs and even larger if we go past the due date. I have been measuring 2 to 3 weeks ahead the entire pregnancy. I was a 9lb baby and my fiancée was a 10lb baby. I want to have her naturally or at least vaginally. The longer she stays the bigger she gets and I’m worried I will not be able to get her out on my own. I’m speaking with my doctor on Monday about finally scheduling to be induced on our due date.

Just needed to get this out there off my chest before I loose my mind lol.