Dear “dad”

Nigeria • I go by all pronouns don’t disrespect that I’m a lesbian

You failed to protect your little girl. I wish u would have protected me. You never was around so I looked other places for a father. That didn’t turn out well because they raped me. You didn’t protect me u were never there. I can’t believe u didn’t care. Didn’t even try to be there. Instead u did drugs and other crap. U picked that instead of ur kids. Instead of me. It hurts bad. Why did u do that. Why did u never look back????What did I do to deserve this???? Was I not worth it????? Was I not good enough????????? Was I not important. You will never see the young adult I have and still am becoming. You dropped out of school I’m still going to school. Straight A’s and making music is my highlight. I cut bc if some of the trauma. You fucked me up dad by not being there and in other ways. I tried to commit suicide as well. Many times. Never succeeded either. I hope you know I am making a difference.