Exited/too involved mom?

Hi ladies. Myself and my other half have found out we are pregnant!!! I’m around 6-7 weeks. My partner wanted us not to tell family etc because he wanted to enjoy the moment just us. But things didn’t work like that and because he can’t make an appointment he told me to tell my mom so she can come with me. Now here’s my problem. - she was soooo exited which is brilliant. But the first things she said was ‘I’ll be at the scan, and the birth’ (I have two children already and she was there with my first as I was only 16 and didn’t know what I was doing during pregnancy lol). I just feel as though I’m now an adult. I don’t need my moms hand. Yes come to the scans, I wouldn’t deny her of that. But this is me and my partners first child together and it’s a special moment for the both of us. He’s scared she will take over sort of thing which I can totally understand. Has anyone been in a situation similar? Thank you xx

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Yep my mom wanted to be in the room for our first. I said no. 🤷🏼‍♀️. This was a moment just for me and my husband to enjoy and go through together. She wanted to be at the hospital. I said no. I knew she’d sneak into the room and make it all about her like she does with every scenario. It’s not about anyone but you, your spouse, and your child.


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Nip it in the bud very early on and tell her you’re really looking forward to it being just him and you this time and that you’ll need her to watch your older 2 so that they’re with someone who they’re used to and you can trust. Make sure you ham it up so she feels important xx